Thursday, July 31, 2014

An Important Message from Young Living

Our amazing success is attributable to you, our dedicated leaders, who work tirelessly building your Young Living teams and spreading the message of essential oils to the world.

You have a front-row seat to the unprecedented growth we are experiencing (more than 60,000 new enrollments last month alone!), but you have also felt some of the frustrations we all share. We care deeply about your success and realize that product availability and customer service concerns still exist. We understand that you, your family, and your customers rely on our products and that your livelihood can depend on our ability to keep up with product and customer service demands.

We are addressing these challenges head-on and investing in solutions that will not only resolve these issues in the short term, but will also ensure our long-term success and stability. Below are details about these actionable, proactive steps we are taking to support the future of Young Living and our members. We encourage you to share this information with your teams:

  • We absolutely stand by our Seed to Seal® quality promise, which is the foundation of everything we do. Young Living will only sell products we can stand behind 100 percent, even if that means higher costs for us and occasional unavailability of certain items. With the Seed to Seal commitment as our guidepost, we are quickly expanding our manufacturing and growing capacities. We have doubled the square footage of our production facilities and are purchasing additional land on which to grow our botanicals. Additionally, we are rapidly acquiring more partner farms, all of which are subject to the same rigorous quality standards that we apply to our own farms.
  • We have the broadest product offering in the essential oil industry, and many of our new members may not realize all of the effective alternatives available to them when an item goes out of stock. To help educate everyone, we are planning regular communications that will include suggested replacement products. We will also continue to give the most accurate updates possible on when items will be available again. We are pleased to offer more products than all our competitors combined. In fact, more than 90 percent of those products are available right now! Please remind your teams of this fact and encourage them to take advantage of the forthcoming education on alternate products.
  • We are launching our new Virtual Office (private beta for Platinum members and above August 1 and public beta on September 1), which means members will be able to redeem Essential Rewards points directly through the new VO. This will significantly reduce call wait times and provide a better user experience. The new system will handle much more traffic, making online ordering a smoother experience. Additionally, the new VO will notify Essential Rewards members if products in an upcoming order are out of stock.
  • We have doubled the size of our sourcing and operations teams in the last 10 months, and they are out searching the globe for new sources of hard-to-find botanicals.
  • For the short term, we are prioritizing our inventory of hard-to-source oils by ensuring that they are used in our highest demand products first.
  • We are investing all revenue generated from operations back into inventory and sourcing support.
  • Finally, we have taken some major steps to increase the capacity of our Member Services department and decrease call wait times, as call volume has increased nearly 80 percent since the convention last month. These initiatives include:
    • Recruiting and hiring more than 80 new agents and fast-tracking their training to get them on the phones as quickly as possible. We renovated a large portion of the second floor of our global headquarters to accommodate these new hires.
    • Scheduling all of our existing staff more efficiently and offering incentives for improved individual performance. It is important to us to provide a high-quality call experience for our members alongside short wait times.
We will continue to keep you informed on our progress as we address these crucial issues. At the end of the day, we know how lucky we are to have the most amazing products and leaders in the direct-selling space! Thank you for your patience, your prayers, and your tireless dedication to our shared mission.

Please continue to give us your input and feedback. Your insights and candor are truly valued by all of us.

All the best,

The Young Living Executive Team

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